Lucy D6029
French Bulldog | Madison Lake, MN
Age : 6 Years 6 MonthsAdultFemaleSmallBrindle with White
House Trained
YesGood in Home With
Others DogsChildren
Adoption Fees
425Meet Lucy D6029
Lucy is approx 6.5 yrs old and 28#. As you can see, she's a beautiful brindle. She's as sweet as she is cute. It sounds like all 6 of her years were spent having litter after litter of puppies and all she wants is a pack of her own! She is not potty trained. I guess 6 years of "going" wherever is convenient is a hard habit to break. I know if she had a fenced yard, she'd catch on quick. I should mention she has not mastered stairs. One or two steps is fine, but she's not very sure of herself going up or down. If you're looking for a beautiful Frenchie girl who wants to be a lap dog, you've come to the right profile! Lucy loves attention, but she will also go and lay down by herself or keep herself company by looking at her reflection. She loves every dog and every human. When she gets amped up there's nothing more joyful than watching her play! Even when her foster brother nipped at her the first week, she still wanted him to be her friend. He finally caved after a week or so :). She's not great on a leash. She will stop right at the threshold of a door deciding if and when she wants to move. Lol. But once outside, what fun! She loves to run and romp! Lucy would do well in any active, loving home. Another fur friend would be perfect for her but a human with a heart and a lap will do just fine. Just say I Love Lucy and send in an application and I'll work with your schedule to meet up.
Adoption Process
Our adoption process includes an adoption application. After reviewing your application and contacting the vet and personal references, a meeting is scheduled between the potential adopter and the pet, in the foster's home or a neutral animal friendly place. If there are any resident animals within the home, it is required that they meet at this time. After the meeting, a home visit by one our representatives is REQUIRED prior to finalizing any adoption and we must meet all members of the household where the pet will be living sometime during the adoption process. 6 month post-adoption check in is completed.
Wags and Whiskers Animal Rescue of MN
[email protected]