Brie (NY)
Presa Canario | Avenel, NJ
CurrentGood in Home With
Others DogsChildren
Meet Brie (NY)
Brie (NY) is a female Presa Canario born on January 7, 2025. Brie is up to date on core vaccinations (age-appropriate) and is microchipped. She will be spayed prior to joining her forever home unless there is a medical reason why it has not yet been completed (in which case RDR NYC will work with the adopter to ensure this is done at the appropriate time). Brie is good with people of all ages, including children and other dogs. This sweet pup's life began on the cold floor of a shelter where her pregnant Momma had been dumped by her breeder owner. Most of Brie's siblings didn't make it, so as soon as we could, we busted Brie and her family out of the shelter and into the safety of our rescue. Brie will stay with her two brothers and her Momma until she is old enough to move into her forever home. Brie is going to be a big girl, and it would be best if her adopter has experience with the Presa Canario breed. If you would like this beautiful girl to live her life as a member of your family, please apply online to adopt Brie (NY) at Given technical constraints on this database, this pet's location may not be as listed here. We can, however, provide transport support for pets in foster at a considerable distance from the adopter.
Adoption Process
Application , Reference check, interview, home inspection All animals spay/ neutered and UTD 375$- 125$ depending on age Adoption contracts are issued
Rescue Dogs Rock, Inc
[email protected]