Saluki | Cape May, NJ
Good in Home With
Meet Bandit
Bandit recently arrived from Oman and is a Wadi dog. Wadi dogs are from the wadis (dry riverbeds) of Oman. They are typically stray dogs that live in groups and are generally non-aggressive survivors who avoid police interdiction. They are believed to be a mix of Saluki and other sighthound types. Bandit and his brother, Carter were found stuck on a roundabout on the main highway i Muscat. They were so skinny and probably hadn't eaten for days. Bandit is an incredibly sweet, waggy tail pup, although he can be a bit shy at first Bandit was born in December 2023. He is cat tolerant with supervision. Bandit is in a foster home.
Greyhound Friends of NJ, Inc.
(732) 356-4370
[email protected]