Hada GCH
Akita | Munsey Park, NY
Age : 6 YearsAdultFemaleLargeTan/Yellow/Fawn with White
affectionate eagerToPlease playful
Coat Length
CurrentGood in Home With
Others DogsChildren
Adoption Fees
$395 (& 20 purchase) ck#?Meet Hada GCH
Hada is a beautiful shepherd/retriever mix who is a very good girl. She has quickly stolen the hearts of our volunteers and staff. Hada gets along great with other dogs and children, making her a excellent addition to any household. She is a loving and affectionate dog who is eager to please. Hada is also a very playful dog and enjoys running around in the play yard. She has a friendly a social personality, always craving attention. Once you meet her, you'll fall in love!! Apply to adopt at EHRdogs.org
Eleventh Hour Rescue
[email protected]
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