| Ticonderoga, NY
House Trained
YesGood in Home With
Others DogsCatsChildren
Meet Mars
IN VERMONT Meet Mars! Mars is 2 years old, male (approx. DOB 3-17-24), 34 lbs., vetted, is or will be neutered, and micro-chipped. Mars is a playful, affectionate, and goofy boy with medium+ energy, maybe cats (all cat/dog relationships are different), has medium+ energy, is very social, is confident, crate trained, potty trained, great on leash pulls out of excitement seeing other dogs or squirrels, and loves playing with toys! He knows commands sit, come, lay down, his name, working on gentle, loves leaves, toys, chew toys, snuggling, rolling around on his back, and belly rubs. He would adapt anywhere but seems to love the country. He will be an incredible companion and buddy to any dog his size or bigger. He loves to fetch and brings back the ball and knows “drop it”. We swear he knows English super well and is very trainable. He would thrive in a fenced in backyard as he is lanky and loves to run. He can mellow out and sit on a porch as well. Stay tuned for more information as Mars is a new rescue! If you are interested in adopting Mars please fill out an Application at (please make sure you have the Vermont site not CT) - thanks! Please note Fosters have 1st option of Adoption. Check out his Facebook page (please "Like" us while you are there)!
Adoption Process
Applicants fill out an application and, once thoroughly checked, referenced, and approved, are invited to meet the dogs they have interest in. All dogs are in foster homes. Once they have met their match, they sign an adoption contract and pay the adoption fee.
Passion 4 Paws
(802) 373-4949
[email protected]