Boxer | Valatie, NY
CurrentGood in Home With
Staffy/Boxer/Rotti Mix. Female. 16 weeks of age. Scarlett is sweet and shy, inquisitive and observant, and loves to snuggle. She was born with a unique docked tail.
Adoption Process
Potential adopter fills out a form with info on preferred dog as well as what they're looking for in a dog, plus a vet reference among other things. I call them and discuss the dog(s) they're interested in, as well as any dogs I feel would be a good fit. We set up a meet & greet with all human and dog members of the family. If all goes well, an adoption fee is paid, a contract is signed, and the family goes home knowing they can call/text me at anytime for help if needed.
Hudson Paws Dog Rescue
(518) 567-7599
[email protected]