MAXINE-Pending Adoption
Hound | Fairview Park, OH
Age : 6 Years 8 MonthsAdultFemaleMediumShepherd
affectionate cratetrained eagerToPlease eventempered leashtrained oKForSeniors olderKidsOnly
Coat Length
ShortActivity Level
Moderately ActiveEnergy Level
LowHouse Trained
YesGood in Home With
Others Dogs
Meet MAXINE-Pending Adoption
Update: Maxine may do best in a home without cats. She seems to be too interested in them unless someone is very savvy in that area. Her first test with cats she backed off after being swatted at but now seems pretty interested. She is a wonderful dog who just wants to be with you. She has learned how to walk on a leash and is doing well. Meet Maxine. Rescued from an overcrowded shelter where she would have lost her life. Maxine is housetrained and rides well in the car. She is dog friendly and probably okay with cats after a time to get used to them. Maxine should be fine with older, respectful children. She is maybe 6 years old and 40 lbs. Maxine can be left with the run of the house but isn’t fond of being crated. She wants to be with her person. Maxine is spayed, heartworm tested negative and up to date on vaccines. Her adoption fee is $175. interested in Maxine, please email
Adoption Process
Application, references from vets and personal, home visit
Fees according to age..older animals generally less cost.
Offer 2 wk trial, 1/2 fee pd up front..after trial, balance of fee or refund of deposit if not work out.
Hartman's Hounds
(440) 984-7014
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