Basset Hound | Xenia, OH
Age : 4 Years 7 MonthsAdultMale
CurrentHouse Trained
YesGood in Home With
Others DogsCats
Adoption Fees
250Meet Auggie
Auggie is a 4-5 year old 58lb hunk of a basset that is as sweet as he is handsome. He loves people and will be your shadow/velcro dog. He gets along with all dogs and usually cats, but will bark at them occasionally. He is housetrained and doggy door trained and loves toys and bones. He will even fetch a ball for you! He is content to sleep the day away, but likes to play a bit too & walks well on a leash. Auggie was left alone alot in his past situation & would love a family who can spend time with him. He is a big sturdy boy and does jump to greet you sometimes so will need someone who is ok with that or can work with him to change that behavior. Besides that he is a total angel and will be a great addition for the right basset lover. Auggie needs to home with a fenced in yard and will be available for adoption after his neuter on June 27. He is being fostered in Michigan not far from Toledo. Please apply at and if already approved email [email protected]. Remember approved applications are good for 6 months for other dogs if Auggie is adopted before your app is processed. His adoption fee is $250.
Adoption Process
Puppies $250
1yr to 8 $200
8yrs and older $100
Must fill out an application, be approved and sign a adoption agreement. We always take the dog back for any reason. Must have a fenced yard, vetting must be good, no kids under 5 yrs old.
Ohio Basset Hound Rescue. Inc
[email protected]