Bluebonnet Animal Rescue Network

The mission of Bluebonnet Animal Rescue is to improve the lives of abandoned, unwanted, or injured domestic animals, including family pets and farm animals. We don't limit our intake to any breed or size, but we focus on farm-friendly dogs, including livestock guardian breeds such as Great Pyrenees, Akbash, and Anatolian Shepherd.

Whitewright, TX,75491
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Email: [email protected]


Lady Pink

Anatolian Shepherd | Durant, OK

Age : 1 Year 5 MonthsYoungFemaleLargeKomondor



oKWithFarmAnimals playful skittish timid

Activity Level

Moderately Active

Energy Level


Good in Home With

Others Dogs

Adoption Fees


Meet Lady Pink

Lady Pink is the most skittish of the Apple Dumpling Gang pups. Her mom is a pinto Anatolian Shepherd who is an excellent LGD, and dad is a Komondor, also an excellent LGD. These pups were born on a small homestead in the Texas hill country with a few goats, LOTS of chickens, geese, and turkeys, plus a few other types of livestock. Lady Pink was bullied by one of the adult dogs on the property, so she spent most of her first few months of life hiding under the house, not interacting with people. She gets along well with other dogs, but even after many months here with us, Lady Pink is still very skittish. She will take a treat from me, but it takes a few minutes of coaxing her to sit still for her to let me pet her. I've been trying to teach her to walk on a leash, but she still thinks it's an instrument of torture, so she fights the leash. Because of her background, she might be OK in a home with a flock of backyard chickens, but she is too small to be considered for a job as a livestock guardian. She does have a big bark, and she barks at strangers, whether human or canine. What she really needs is a home with someone who is home most of the time, and has the patience to work to overcome her fear. She also needs a home with a confident dog to be her friend and mentor, to show her that people can be trusted. If Lady Pink's sweet face touches your heart, please consider submitting your application. We would be glad to move her into a foster home in case you are not sure if you're cut out to adopt a skittish dog. Just to be clear, she has never shown any aggression -- she's just not sure about humans and you really have to work to earn her trust.

Adoption Process
Our adoption process starts with an application, followed by a vet/reference check, meet & greet, and home visit. Fees: Puppies - $300 Adults - $250 Seniors (7 years +) and special needs dogs - $100

Bluebonnet Animal Rescue Network
[email protected]

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