American Eskimo Dog | Garfield County, OK
Age : 1 Year 9 MonthsAdultFemaleMediumWhite with Tan, Yellow or Fawn
affectionate cratetrained gentle hearingImpaired leashtrained olderKidsOnly playful
Coat Length
MediumActivity Level
Moderately ActiveEnergy Level
ModerateHouse Trained
YesGood in Home With
Others DogsCats
Meet Marlee
This sweet girl was found as a stray. She is a very happy and playful girl but she is deaf. She will need someone willing to learn how to train a dog with hand signals. She does know some already and is good with other dogs. She can be a bit of a barker so an apartment may not be the best choice for her. She is leash trained and does well in a crate.
Adoption Process
adoption application process plus adoption contract. Dog adoptions fee start at $100, cats at $50
Misfits, Mutts and Meows, Inc.
(405) 471-3922
[email protected]
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