| Okfuskee County, OK
affectionate cratetrained eagerToPlease doesWellInCar goofy intelligent lap leashtrained obedient olderKidsOnly playful playsToys
Activity Level
Slightly ActiveHouse Trained
YesGood in Home With
Others DogsChildren
Meet Duchess
The chief of police in Hinton is trying to save.. Dutchess she just turned 1, according to the vet. She is house trained and crate trained. She does well with other dogs but we have not had her around cats. She loves to play so should probably be with kids that are a little older so she doesn't accidentally get too rough. She was picked up as a stray after being abandoned and was not treated well by the humans around her. But just a little bit of love and trust turned this girl into a silly, playful, love bug. To say she loves toys is like saying Niagara is a waterfall. She learns very quickly. She picked up sit and stay almost immediately. She loves riding in the car and even likes baths. This girl would be a great working dog or just a "go everywhere" companion. She learned how to ring the bells on the door by watching the other dogs and learned fetch the same way. She is definitely a pleaser. All this baby wants is love and attention. Oh and she very much loves snacks, especially sardines.
Adoption Process
Screening, references, adoption fee, contract, appointments
Ok Save A Dog
[email protected]
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