Labrador Retriever | Waukomis, OK
Age : 4 Years 10 MonthsAdultFemaleLargeBlack
Coat Length
MediumGood in Home With
All dogs and puppies have: received age-appropriate vaccinations; been dewormed; been spayed or neutered; and if over 6 months have been tested for heartworm disease.Edmond Animal Services offers an adoption fee of $25 following an approved application, and is open for adoptions six days a week with the exception of 11 major holidays. Please contact the Shelter at 405-216-7615 for any further questionsâ¦..**WE RECOMMEND THAT IF ANY POTENTIAL ADOPTER HAS OTHER DOGS OR CATS, TO PLEASE BRING THEM IN FOR A MEET AND GREET BEFORE ADOPTING A SHELTER PET**
Adoption Process
Please contact shelter for details.
City of Edmond Animal Welfare
(405) 216-7615
[email protected]