Chihuahua | Alamo, TN
Age : 11 Years 7 MonthsSeniorFemaleSmallTerrier
affectionate eagerToPlease eventempered gentle doesWellInCar lap leashtrained needsCompanionAnimal noCold obedient oKForSeniors olderKidsOnly skittish timid
Coat Length
ShortActivity Level
Moderately ActiveHouse Trained
YesGood in Home With
Mollie is a charming white Chihuahua/Terrier mix born on June 6, 2013. She is a spayed female who is house trained and leash trained, making her a delight to have in the home and on walks. Friendly and affectionate, Mollie is a devoted lap pet who thrives on companionship and closeness. She has a strong bond with Maggie, her close companion, and benefits greatly from having another animal by her side. Mollie’s sweet nature and need for connection make her an ideal pet for someone seeking a loving and loyal friend. She takes thyroid medicine and manages allergies, but her loving and spirited personality more than compensates for these needs, making her a truly special companion.
Adoption Process
** Memphis area adoption fee is $200 and includes all necessary vaccines, spay/neuter, 1st month’s heartworm/flea prevention and microchip. Any known medical issues are normally taken care of and disclosed.
** New Hampshire Chapter (which adopts to New Hampshire and Massachusetts):
$250 and includes all necessary vaccines, spay/neuter, first month's heartworm/flea prevention, microchip, food for transportation.
Any known medical issues are normally taken care of and disclosed
health certificate and extra medications for travel. The adopter pays transport costs which is determined by the dog’s weight.
Dogs 2nd Chance
[email protected]