Coonhound | Hardeman County, TN
Age : 11 MonthsYoungFemaleMediumFawn
affectionate eagerToPlease eventempered gentle doesWellInCar leashtrained
Coat Length
CurrentActivity Level
Slightly ActiveEnergy Level
LowHouse Trained
YesGood in Home With
Others DogsCatsChildren
Meet Maggie
Maggie tested positive for heartworms. She is undergoing treatment and will continue the treatment until a home or rescue is found for her. Gentle and sweet disposition with people of all ages, including children. Maggie is in a temporary foster home. Placement needed immediately. Foster, foster to adopt, or adoption.
Adoption Process
application, references, home check, adoption contract, maintain animal on monthly preventives, annual vaccines, and required Positive reinforcement training
For The Puppies Foundation Inc
(662) 643-7945
[email protected]
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