Great Dane | Kingsport, TN
Age : 2 Years 7 MonthsAdultFemaleMediumBorder Collie
affectionate eagerToPlease intelligent obedient
Coat Length
CurrentActivity Level
Slightly ActiveEnergy Level
LowHouse Trained
YesGood in Home With
Others DogsChildren
Adoption Fees
150.00Meet Sindel
Sindel says, “WHAT?! I don’t have any adoption applications yet?!” Meet Sindel! This gal’s been through a lot. She’s had a litter of puppies and was transferred to the AHHS from a tiny, struggling shelter in Kentucky. We quite literally saved Sindel. We feel certain she and her pups would have been euthanized had they stayed where they were. Given Sindel’s been through motherhood, she has calmed significantly, but you can see that she’s slowly gaining back her sparkle. ✨ She will be spayed so that she never has to go through birth again. We want all eyes to be on her now because that’s what she deserves. Sindel is listed as a Dane mix. She weighs around 65 pounds. She’s dog, adult, and kid friendly and could be cat tested upon request. Give this pup the life she deserves! She doesn’t ask for much; just a warm bed, acceptance, and stability. To learn more, visit Sindel’s bio at or email [email protected].
Adoption Process
$50.00 for cats and kittens, dogs range from $150.00 to $275.00. We have adoption applications and contracts for potential adopters to complete. Vet references are checked and home visits on some animals are required.
Humane Society of Washington County, TN
(423) 926-8533
[email protected]
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