Jack Russell Terrier | Walnut Hill, TN
Age : 4 Years 11 MonthsAdultMaleMediumBeagle
affectionate eagerToPlease gentle doesWellInCar intelligent lap leashtrained noLargeDogs obedient playful playsToys
Coat Length
ShortHouse Trained
YesGood in Home With
Others Dogs
Adoption Fees
250.00Meet Buddy
Buddy Loves Toys. Buddy loves cuddles. Buddy loves hikes. Buddy loves car rides. Buddy loves life. He wants to be your Buddy! Won't you adopt Buddy and bring home fun and loyalty to your heart and life?! Then this is your Buddy! He is around 5 years old, about 30 lbs. He's a fun little dog that is very loving. He is very playful with toys but not hyper. He enjoys his time outside and loves to be with you, car rides or walks/hikes. He loves to snuggle and cuddle on the couch or bed. He is good with other dogs his size or smaller, he is very intimidated by dogs larger than him. He has the most soulful eyes that pierce the heart like most little hound/beagles. But he is full of personality and athletic fun abilities in a small package like JRT's. We're not really sure what he is but no matter he is a great little dog! Buddy is great in the house. He also knows a doggie-door and enjoys time outdoors in his foster's fenced yard. He recently lost his owner and had no other place to go. After a month in a crowded shelter he was brought to us and is currently in a foster home. He dreams of a new bed and heart to call home, will that be you?? Apply today at rugbycreekanimalrescue.org. https://youtu.be/pY66d4pKEVc?si=8NJJJswb30QtgF2F https://youtube.com/shorts/dIjpbmKaHi8
Rugby Creek Animal Rescue, Inc
(276) 579-4215
[email protected]
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