North Texas Basset Hound Rescue, Inc.

North Texas Basset Hound Rescue, Inc. is dedicated to the welfare of basset hounds. We were founded in 1984 and later formed as a committee under The Basset Hound Club of Greater Fort Worth. In 1997, NTBHR was incorporated as a nonprofit organization in the State of Texas. In June of 1998, NTBHR was classified as a 501(c)3 Charitable Organization by the IRS, meaning your gifts to us are tax-deductible. Our Tax ID # is 75-2706935North Texas Basset Hound Rescue is organized for the following purposes:Prevent cruelty to animals, specifically basset hounds;Support animal welfare by locating and retrieving homeless, unwanted and/or mistreated basset hounds;Provide necessary funding for medical care, spaying and neutering, for unwanted and/or mistreated basset hounds; andPlace homeless, unwanted, and or mistreated canine basset hounds in permanent, loving homes. The general area of rescue is the Fort Worth and Dallas area, but we also cover many shelters in North Texas from Abilene to Waco, Longview to the Oklahoma border. Money is spent to insure that the bassets are healthy, neutered or spayed, and treatment for heartworms. On occasion we must make the tough decision of euthanasia due to health problems or aggressive behavior. Rescue volunteers receive no compensation for their countless hours and transportation costs. NTBHR is very fortunate to have several veterinarians who provide excellent treatment at a reduced rate. The rewards of a rescue volunteer come from knowing that a basset is getting a second chance and from a slobbery lick and a wagging tail.North Texas Basset Hound Rescue (NTBHR), an all-volunteer organization, rescued and re-homed 85 Basset Hounds in fiscal year 2012-13. All animals are given medical care including spay/neuter, heartworm treatment, dental care and micro-chipping. Providing information on spay/neuter programs, micro-chipping, and participating in responsible pet ownership events lets us achieve our goals of rescuing Basset Hounds and serving the community. NTBHR has developed a Special Needs Fund, which is used to rehabilitate Basset Hounds that would not have otherwise been adoptable due to illness, mistreatment or injury. Our goals for the current year are to increase our volunteer base, our foster care program, allowing us to rescue more Basset Hounds and to increase our fundraising to cover our increasing veterinary costs.

Grapevine, TX,76099
Get directions

Email: [email protected]



Basset Hound | Alvord, TX

Age : 1 YearYoungFemaleLargeTricolor (Tan/Brown & Black & White)



cratetrained escapes



Activity Level

Highly Active

Energy Level


House Trained


Good in Home With

Others DogsChildren

Adoption Fees


Meet Lily

Lily joined us this week and is looking for her perfect home. S he is young and still learning but she loves to play with other dogs and loves kids.  Check back for updates!

Adoption Process
After verification of information on the application, we check the DNA List, then do vet check, phone interview and home visit. Adopters sign an adoption agreement, and must return the dog to is if they can no longer keep the animal. Our fees are $150 for seniors, $200 for adults, $250 for dogs under 3, and $350 for puppies under one year, with a spay neuter contract

North Texas Basset Hound Rescue, Inc.
[email protected]

Look for other dogs for adoption!

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