Charlyne's Pound Puppies

Please help! There is a pet over-population crisis in this country. Every day thousands of healthy, adoptable pets are needlessly killed.Charlyne's Pound Puppies is a non-profit rescue group run by volunteers. Our founder, Charlyne McDaniel, began her crusade to help abandoned dogs and cats in 1995. We rescue animals from Thorndale, TX and the greater Austin surrounding areas. We do not transport pets out of state. If you adopt from us and the pet does not work into your family or lifestyle we want the pet back so they we may find the pet a good fit.

Thorndale, TX,76577
Get directions

Email: [email protected]

Phone Number: (512) 832-4101



German Shepherd Dog | Caldwell, TX

Age : 4 Years 6 MonthsAdultFemaleShepherd



affectionate fetches doesWellInCar intelligent noFemaleDogs olderKidsOnly



Activity Level

Moderately Active

Energy Level


House Trained


Good in Home With

Others Dogs

Meet Lacey

Meet Lacey: The intelligent, loving, and energetic shepherd. Lacey is a quick learner and enjoys nothing more than cuddling up to her owner. She is constantly expanding her vocabulary and takes pleasure in playing games like 'hide and seek' with her toys. Being an alpha female, she may test boundaries, but this is typical of intelligent, dominant shepherds. Therefore, she needs an owner who can be a strong leader. Lacey is friendly towards all people and loves socializing. She's a backyard enthusiast who enjoys chasing squirrels and has a moderate energy level. Unfortunately, she doesn't get along with cats and we do not feel like she would do well with young children. She pulls a bit on the leash at the beginning of her walks, but settles down after a few minutes and loves taking rides in the car. Lacey is trustworthy and will make a loyal companion, adventure buddy, and a treasured member of any household. Lacey is a German Shepherd mix about 55lbs and about 3 years old.  Color: Cream/Black Housebroken: Yes Lacey is a healthy active young lady.  If you are interested in learning more about Lacey, please fill out our online application here: . Please only Central Texas resident inquiries.

Adoption Process
Families who want to adopt an animal from Charlyne's Pound Puppies are asked to fill out a 2-page form to tell us a little more about themselves. They will then be interviewed by two of our volunteers. This is to make sure that the animal is going to a good home, and that he or she is a good fit for the adoptive family. We do not transport pets out of state. The adoption fee is $100 for dogs, which includes a coupon for spaying/neutering if the animal is not old enough to have been spayed/neutered already. (These prices are subject to change without notice)

Charlyne's Pound Puppies
(512) 832-4101
[email protected]

Look for other dogs for adoption!

Helping You Be the Best Pet Parent You Can Be

Check out our blog!
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How Can Dogs Sense What Is Going To Happen To Their Owner?
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02 DEC
For a Paw-some Fourth of July: 5 Pet Health and Safety Tips
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23 JUN