| Hilltop Lakes, TX
CurrentHouse Trained
YesGood in Home With
Others DogsChildren
Meet Honey
Honey is such a sweet, loving, and playful approximately one year old dog. She is a petite 39 lbs tan mixed breed possibly hound or pittie mix but has the silliest ears that take turns going up and down! Honey was found as a stray in Spring TX. She is spayed and up to date on her vaccinations. Honey is crate trained and potty trained. She is still wild on a leash and will need continued training but that is to be expected with a young dog. Her first foster mom loves her and says she is good with kids and other dogs, though is a bit too playful for her older canine foster siblings. Honey is now at a foster home with more younger dogs and is doing well learning better manners with other dogs and in the house. She is definitely a playful girl who loves to run and roughhouse with dogs of similar size and age or have a good chew on a sturdy dog bone. She will try to swallow small or cloth toys so those are not recommended for her. She has not been tested with cats but would likely do well with dog-savvy cats who set clear expectation. Honey is a clever and energetic girl and would do well with an active family dedicated to her continued training. This aptly named girl is ready to find her furever home!! 6/1/24 Update: We have not had any interest in poor Honey! Her forever home is out there somewhere, so we have ordered her a DNA test and hope to get her results soon. Hopefully knowing her breeds will help find her people!
Adoption Process
Adoption fees range between 200-500 depending on age and special health requirements
Dots friends rescue
[email protected]