Fort Bend County Animal Services

Rosenberg, TX,77471
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Email: [email protected]

Phone Number: (281) 342-1512

Website: http://www.fortbendcountypets.com


German Shepherd Dog | Markham, TX

Age : 1 Year 1 MonthYoungFemaleMediumBrown/Chocolate


Coat Length


Good in Home With



Posha is the belly rub queen!!! She’ll happily accept any and all forms of affection, but belly rubs are her absolute favorite. If no one’s around she’ll try and give them to herself too! She likes to lay down and rub around in the grass. That’s really all she needs to keep her happy: lots of love and a little patch of grass. Posha is super sweet and friendly. She’s got a lower energy level and, after getting rid of some initial zoomies, is happy to just relax. She’s easy to leash up and take out, and she walks beautifully on leash. Posha has been looking for love since 12/9/24. She was found alongside her sister Tasha, who has already happily been adopted, but Posha's search for love continues!¡Posha es la reina de las caricias en la pancita! Acepta con gusto cualquier tipo de cariño, pero las caricias en la pancita son su favorita. Si no hay nadie cerca, ¡intenta dárselas también a sí misma! Le gusta tumbarse y acariciarse en el césped. Eso es todo lo que necesita para ser feliz: mucho cariño y un trocito de césped. Posha es súper dulce y amigable. Tiene menos energía y, tras librarse de algunos zumbidos iniciales, está feliz de relajarse. Es fácil de poner y sacar con correa, y camina de maravilla con ella. Posha ha estado buscando amor desde el 9/12/24. La encontraron junto a su hermana Tasha, quien ya ha sido felizmente adoptada, ¡pero la búsqueda de amor de Posha continúa!

Adoption Process

Fort Bend County Animal Services
(281) 342-1512
[email protected]

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