Chihuahua | Marshall, TX
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Adoption Fees
350Meet Afton
You Tube video link: FOR ADOPTION! Note: Only those with a responsible dog ownership history and excellent vet reference need apply. (For more pics, visit or INSTRUCTIONS TO APPLY: PLEASE read profile thoroughly BEFORE applying: DOG APPLICATION LINK: Afton (female) Intake date: 3/7/2025 Chihuahua Approx 4 years old Intake weight: 3.6 pounds Adoption fee: $350, which includes vetting, microchip Benefactor Dog: When we have a popular dog, we dub them a “Benefactor Dog”. A Benefactor Dog will have an above average adoption fee. In other words, for OTHER dogs where the adoption fee is minimal or waived due to age, health or some other reason (although we’ve likely spent hundreds and sometimes thousands of dollars) a Benefactor dog will help us somewhat make up the shortfall. If this dog has an above-average adoption fee, she/he is a Benefactor Dog. Good with other dogs: yes Cats: unknown – we do not have cats to be able to test Vetting and other: The vet opened her up and surprisingly, she was already spayed, up-to-date on age-appropriate vaccinations (given two rounds), heartworm negative, fecal negative, microchipped Health issues: none observed. Temperament: Very sweet and social. Wants to be with her person. Energy level: medium Groom needs: low maintenance (she does have feathering ears and tail that need to be kept brushed) Biography: If you’ve followed our page long enough, you’re aware of the Doyline hoarder/breeder bust where over 100 animals were living in squaller, along with several deceased animals scattered throughout the property, including a deceased horse and other livestock. It was all over social media and the news. The owners, as of this posting, are in jail on $500,000 bond. Several groups came together led by Lama Animal Rescue and the Webster Parish Sheriff’s Department. Ultimately, we took in 7 puppies and 6 adults. I can’t tell you how many people I’ve come across who have purchased puppies from this lady. WITH MANY OF THESE BREEDERS, THIS IS HOW THE PARENTS LIVE! WHY WOULD ANYONE SUPPORT THAT??!! Horrible. If a breeder won’t let you come to THEIR HOUSE… see their operation… see the parents, you are committing the parents and all the others dogs to more litters and more misery. If a breeder wants to MEET YOU SOMEWHERE… THAT IS A RED FLAG! This video shows the outdoor living conditions for the dogs: and this video shows the indoor living conditions after the animals were removed: We believe Afton lived in the room you’ll see around 2:32 of that video. We are so thankful this life has come to an end for her and so many others. She does excellent in a kennel if needed and gets so excited when she sees us! A leash is foreign to her and besides, who is going to leash this little toot? She needs a kangaroo pouch. Afton is ready to start her new chapter with a family to call her own. We know there is someone out there that wants to give her a beautiful life! **WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW** *We do adopt out of state provided the adopter is willing and able to travel to us once approved. We do not ship or transport our animals and there is no exception to this rule. *Most of our adoptable dogs are small, and they are never to be left outside alone, ever! We only rehome our dogs to adopters that plan to have them as inside dogs and part of the family! We do allow adopters with doggie doors, provided there is SECURE fencing and the dog is over 15 pounds. There is no exception to this rule! *PREDATORS: IF THIS DOG IS UNDER 10 POUNDS, the dog is to be monitored and protected when outside at all times! PREDATOR-THREAT IS A REAL DANGER! For example, a hawk tried to pick up a Chihuahua owned by a friend visiting Ninna’s house… RIGHT IN FRONT OF THE VISITOR. Thankfully the visitor was watching the dog and the hawk was wrestled off of the Chihuahua but it did require an ER visit and she is was very lucky to survive. TAKE IT SERIOUSLY! *NO SMALL CHILDREN!! As with almost all the dogs at NR2R, young children or a very active household is not recommended. Many of our dogs come to us BECAUSE of small children, thus we do not rehome our dogs to homes with babies or young children. KEEP THIS IN MIND IF YOU HAVE VISITING GRANDCHILDREN AS WELL! Even if the children are older, it would depend on the child AND the parent or parents. *HOUSETRAINING: We do NOT guarantee that any of our adoptable dogs are housetrained. While most should be easily trained, keep in mind that they live in a rescue where they have access to the outdoors all day and are inside at night. Even if they were surrendered to us as housetrained, it doesn’t mean they will automatically be housetrained in your home. Housetraining them should be easy in the right home with time, patience, and consistency. *KENNELING: We always recommend kenneling when you cannot supervise your dog. This helps with housetraining and any destructive tendencies until you get to know your knew addition. *We do not guarantee the age, health or temperament of any of the dogs we rehome. Many of the dogs we take in come from animal control and rarely do we have histories and even when we do, many times the histories are inaccurate. *Only adopters with a responsible dog ownership history and excellent vet reference need apply. If you bring this pet into your heart and home, you will receive in return many years of love, companionship, and loyalty. That’s our guarantee. Other notes: This pet is available for adoption through Ninna’s Road to Rescue, Benton, La. We are 501c3 non-profit organization. Our mission is to rescue primarily small-breed dogs and to re-home them into RESPONSIBLE and CARING forever homes. DOG APPLICATION LINK: Time may be of the essence if you are looking to adopt a specific animal. We do not reserve animals, unless and until we have approved your application, provided the animal is still available at the time we receive your application. The first APPROVED application we receive will be considered. We are NOT a first come, first serve rescue!! We adopt our rescues out to the RIGHT home, not just A home. Only responsible pet owners need apply. Applying to adopt does NOT commit you to the adoption NOR does it guarantee the adoption. CONTACT: Our adoptable pets are updated regularly, but if you want to check the availability of a pet... OR still have questions AFTER reading this profile, message us via our Facebook page. Please indicate the name when communicating with us.
Adoption Process
On-line adoption application required. If approved and at adoption we require adoption agreement, spay/neuter contract for puppies/kittens - adoption fees vary from $85 for felines and $150-$250 for dogs (varying depending on age, health, behavior, etc.) Adopters must have responsible dog-ownership history and stellar vet reference if applying to adopt a dog and vice versa for cats.
Ninna's Road to Rescue
[email protected]
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