Siberian Husky | Ricardo, TX
Age : 2 YearsAdultFemaleLargeSable
affectionate eagerToPlease escapes eventempered fetches gentle doesWellInCar goofy intelligent lap leashtrained obedient oKForSeniors olderKidsOnly playful playsToys predatory
Coat Length
CurrentActivity Level
Highly ActiveEnergy Level
HighGood in Home With
Others DogsChildren
Meet Sable
**Meet Sable - The Energetic Husky Looking for Her Forever Home!** Sable is a sweet, playful Husky who is sure to steal your heart! She absolutely loves treats, chew toys, and peanut butter—her favorites! She’s learning to stay out of trouble (she’s even starting to leave the turtles alone... we think! ), and she's very responsive to voice commands. Sable is full of energy and loves playing with other dogs, though she can get a bit rowdy, so a playmate who can keep up with her would be ideal. While she's great with dogs, she’s still learning how to be around cats. Our cat isn't quite convinced yet, as Sable’s playful, sometimes predatory instincts can be a bit much for him. She’s going to make a fantastic companion for someone with an active lifestyle, preferably without cats. If you’re looking for an energetic, loyal, and fun-loving buddy to run, play, and share adventures with, Sable is your girl!
Adoption Process
pet adoption application, background checks, foster applications, home visits, vet visits if applicable, neighbor contacts, money back at any point of adoption,all animals fully vaccinated plus microchip, spay/neuter, fenced yard required, proof of support for adopted animal
Justice for Samson Animal Rescue
(830) 265-2533
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