Great Pyrenees | Richardson, TX
Age : 3 YearsAdultFemaleLargeMaremma Sheepdog
affectionate cratetrained eagerToPlease eventempered gentle doesWellInCar intelligent lap leashtrained obedient olderKidsOnly playful playsToys
Coat Length
CurrentActivity Level
Moderately ActiveEnergy Level
ModerateHouse Trained
YesGood in Home With
Others DogsChildren
Meet Oakley
Meet Oakley! She really is wonderful – the perfect package! She is happy, super loving, a little silly, and absolutely beautiful. She is 2-4 years of age; her dental exam indicates she around 4, but her energy and mouth play make her seem closer to age 2. Her DNA results revealed that she has 8 breeds creating her genetic makeup, 5 of which are 70% Great Pyrenees, 19% Maremma Sheepdog, 2% Australian Cattle Dog, 2% German Shepherd Dog, 2% Chow Chow. Oakley’s original family didn’t have time or resources to care for her, so she was surrendered to a shelter where we were lucky to find her. She only weighed a tearful 43 pounds and has reached a healthy 60 pounds while in foster care. Wisdom Panel projects she could weigh 75-90 pounds when she’d done filling out. She thinks she is a tiny lap dog! She wants to sit on you and give you kisses! She loves her people and wants to be with them as much as she can. She is friendly with kids. She tends to jump when she’s excited and has a little love nip that we are trying to stop, so it’s best if her forever home doesn’t have very small children. Oakley LOVES to sleep in bed with her human foster parents, and sometimes enjoys the nearby cool tile floor. She is very playful with humans and other dogs. She loves a game of fetch in the backyard. She loves romping with her furry foster siblings and is always trying to get them to play with her. She is a little bit of a thief! If you leave clothes or shoes on the floor, she will likely find them and take them to the living room. She doesn’t ever do anything with them, but she likes to relocate them for you! She loves toys! She has a few favorites that we will send with her forever family if the toys are still in one piece when she is adopted! She chews them and pulls out the stuffing. Oakley’s ideal family will be active, exercise her a lot, and include her in family outings. She could be a great running buddy for someone! She has a lot of energy and even does well running alongside as you ride your bicycle! She takes plenty of naps throughout the day as well. She might do fine as an only dog if she is exercised a lot. She would thrive most in a home with another playful dog friend. She does fine with male and female dogs. We have not noticed any issues with smaller dogs, but because she likes to jump and play hard, her dog housemates should be close to her size or bigger. We feed her separately from other dogs in the house, as we were told she is food aggressive. She does fine sharing water bowls. Oakley is house trained, but seems reluctant to directly indicate when she needs to go out. Sometimes she paces throughout the house and that’s her cue that she needs to go outside. Otherwise, we just make sure she gets outside every couple of hours. We are still working on leash etiquette. She loves walks, and loves to sniff everything, but does get overly excited to see other dogs. She will bark fiercely if they are across the street but is super friendly if she’s allowed to meet them. She loves car rides. She doesn’t bark very much, mainly at other dogs or animals outside. She seems to have a little bit of storm anxiety and stays close to her humans during thunderstorms. She easily goes in her crate when guided. It’s not her favorite place, but she doesn’t put up a fight and settles easily. Oakley is heartworm positive, so we have started Ivermectin treatment with her. Our foster dogs normally respond well to the treatment and are heartworm free within several months. SPIN Pyrs are all in foster homes in the Dallas/Fort Worth area. Adoption fees are $300 for dogs under 1 year old, $250 for dogs 1-7 years old, $200 for dogs over 7 years old. Potential adopters are asked to make travel arrangements if they live elsewhere. All SPIN dogs are spayed or neutered, current on vaccinations and on heartworm prevention. Please go to our website www.SpinRescue.org and fill out an application for this great Great Pyrenees!
Adoption Process
Fill out application, check with vet for current pets, do home visit, have adoption contract. Must have fence, current dogs AND cats spayed or neutered, current on vaccinations. Fee based on age of dog.
Saving Pyrs In Need
[email protected]
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