Australian Cattle Dog/Blue Heeler | Somerville, TX
Age : 3 Years 1 MonthAdultMaleLargeShepherd
affectionate cratetrained eagerToPlease eventempered intelligent leashtrained obedient olderKidsOnly playful playsToys swims
Coat Length
MediumActivity Level
Moderately ActiveHouse Trained
YesGood in Home With
Others DogsCatsChildren
Adoption Fees
$250.00Meet Char
Beautiful Char. 3 years old, good with cats & kids! Housetrained, well mannered. He has hip dysplasia but he still loves to run!
Adoption Process
1. A potential adopter must complete an adoption application (
2. The adoption application is reviewed and approved by an ASVT board member. Additional information may be requested.
3. Approved adoption applications are forwarded to the animal's foster, who will contact the potential adopter to arrange a meet and greet.
4. If an adoption is arranged, an adoption contract will be completed.
5. The adoption fee for dogs is $150 and up, $50-$125 for cats, which includes the animal's spay/neuter surgery, a microchip and all core vaccinations, including rabies.
Animal Shelter Volunteers of Texas
[email protected]
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