Pickles Lee
Dachshund | Sour Lake, TX
Age : 10 YearsSeniorFemaleSmallBlack with Tan, Yellow or Fawn
affectionate cratetrained eagerToPlease doesWellInCar lap leashtrained olderKidsOnly
Coat Length
CurrentActivity Level
Moderately ActiveEnergy Level
ModerateGood in Home With
Others Dogs
Meet Pickles Lee
Let's give Pickles Lee a big welcome to Rescue as our newest arrival to CTDR. Pickles Lee was part of an Animal Cruelty Case and when released, CTDR had already agreed to take her. Once she was seen by the CTDR vet, it was found that she would need surgery right away as she had at least 2 mammary tumors that needed to be removed and along with that. her mouth was horrendous. Knowing how important it was that she needed this procedures, CTDR authorized the surgeries for the very next day. Following surgery, the vet let us know that she actually had 4 mammary tumors, 2 big ones and 2 small ones and had 27 teeth extracted. Since surgery, Pickles has been doing so well. She now has a whole new outlook on life. She is fully vetted and is ready for a foster home or to find her forever home. If you are interested in Pickles Lee, please complete an application at www.ctdr.org.
Adoption Process
Our Web site contains full details. We have all of our dogs (pictures/bios) on the site. Potential adopters need to completely fill out the application. Our Adoption Committee reviews and contacts the potential adopter to get the specifics. The committee also conducts the reference checks. Once this is complete, the committee sets up a home visit and finally, the team will set up a meet greet with the adopter and family to meet the Dachshund. All of our dogs are in foster homes with our volunteers so there isn't one central location.
Central Texas Dachshund Rescue
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