Australian Shepherd | Three Rivers, TX
Age : 2 Years 3 MonthsBabyFemaleMediumCavalier King Charles Spaniel
affectionate cratetrained eagerToPlease eventempered gentle doesWellInCar goofy intelligent lap obedient olderKidsOnly ongoingMedical playful specialDiet
CurrentActivity Level
Slightly ActiveEnergy Level
HighHouse Trained
YesGood in Home With
Others DogsCats
Adoption Fees
350Meet Cannoli
Cannoli is active and loves to play with other dogs. She is a bit in the bossy side. She has stranger danger. Loves wearing her muzzle She has megaesophagus. She needs a semi liquid diet like gruel. I use ground food with bone broth. She also needs to eat standing up or sitting straight up. So the food can pass the esophagus. Her surgery in TX is est at 3,000 k
Adoption Process
pet adoption application, background checks, foster applications, home visits, vet visits if applicable, neighbor contacts, money back at any point of adoption,all animals fully vaccinated plus microchip, spay/neuter, fenced yard required, proof of support for adopted animal
Justice for Samson Animal Rescue
(830) 265-2533
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