Maltese | Waskom, TX
AdultFemaleSmallPoodle (Miniature)
Coat Length
CurrentGood in Home With
Others Dogs
WARNING GRAPHIC!!!!!!!! She was still wagging her tail. This is so sad. We pulled this little girl from the Caddo shelter on March 18th as a medical release. We were told she had a "hurt" paw. Ann, one of our transport crew, retrieved her. Typically, we bring the dog to the rescue first to assess and check due the normal check in, but Ann called Ninna that this little girl probably needs to go directly to the vet. Ann said she smelled of infection and rot. Ninna realized the urgency in Ann's voice and asked her to take her directly to our vet and Ninna notified Caddo Parish Animal Services we were doing so since she was still on stray hold. The vet contacted Ninna that they needed to sedate her and shave some of the coat away to get into what was going on with the front right paw. Come to find out, her paw was more than just "hurt". The skin underneath the tightly wrapped matting was sloughing off revealing bones, tendons and maggots! Horrible! The vet said she will lose the leg. Her other leg also has sores and infection but that leg will be saved. They immediately put her on IV pain relief and antibiotics. She's so emaciated under all that matting and so riddled with infection that they can't do any type of surgery right now. TODAY, March 21st, she is OFF STRAY HOLD, so she is OFFICIALLY OURS and forever away from whatever nightmare from which she came. We named her Liz Beth. Stay tuned for updates.
Adoption Process
On-line adoption application required. If approved and at adoption we require adoption agreement, spay/neuter contract for puppies/kittens - adoption fees vary from $85 for felines and $150-$250 for dogs (varying depending on age, health, behavior, etc.) Adopters must have responsible dog-ownership history and stellar vet reference if applying to adopt a dog and vice versa for cats.
Ninna's Road to Rescue
[email protected]