
Great Pyrenees Rescue Resources Utah Montana

Our mission is to help the innocent sweet pups that don't have a voice. Many of the dogs come in sick, emaciated and covered in matts, we are here to provide funding for the vet bills and grooming. We also fund the feeding of the pups while they are in foster care and boarding. Educating the public on the treatment of the livestock guardian dogs is something we take very seriously. We are here to fight for their rights and do everything we can to get them covered under animal cruelty laws. They don't have a voice so you will never stop hearing ours!

Bountiful, UT,84010
Get directions

Email: [email protected]

Phone Number: (801) 835-3395

Website: http://https://gprescuerum.rescuegroups.org/index.php


Great Pyrenees | North Salt Lake, UT

Age : 10 MonthsYoungFemaleLargeWhite



affectionate gentle doesWellInCar leashtrained

Coat Length


Activity Level

Moderately Active

Energy Level


House Trained


Good in Home With

Others DogsCatsChildren

Adoption Fees


Meet Holly

When a family member reached out to us about Holly, we started to make arrangements for her to go to a foster home. You can imagine how surprised we were when we saw she'd been surrendered to the shelter instead. Absolutely no reason for that to happen! Luckily for Holly, her foster was still able to take her and she only spent one night scared and confused at the shelter. This girl is an absolute sweetheart! She is new to us but has done amazing with all the other dogs, cats and goats in her foster home! Holly, or her family is calling her Polly, was just spayed and brought UTD, and is ready for her new family. This girl is a love! Don't miss out on her! Polly is being fostered in ID.

Adoption Process
-They fill out the adoption application Adoption/Foster App Name: Address: Home Phone: Email: Please list your age: Secondary Applicant's Name: Age of children (if any)? Please include visiting children and/or other children the dog may be interacting with: How did you hear about us? What is your occupation? Please state also if full-time or part-time, retired or student. Do you own or rent your home? In what type of home do you live? If rent, Landlord's name: If rent, Landlord's phone # If you rent, have you received the approval of your landlord to have a large breed dog? Is your yard fenced? What is the type and height of the fence? We require secure visible fencing. Veterinarian's Name: Veterinarian's Phone Number: Do you currently have or have you had any pets in the past 5 years? Please give us information on each animal separately. Please enter your first pet's name, breed, age and gender: Is this pet spayed or neutered? Where did you get this pet? Do you still have this pet? If not, what happened to it? Please enter your second pet's name, breed, age and gender Is this pet spayed or neutered? Where did you get this pet? Do you still have this pet? If not, what happened to it? Please enter your third pet's name, breed, age and gender: Is this pet spayed or neutered? Where did you get this pet? Do you still have this pet? If not, what happened to it? Please enter the information requested above for any other pets/livestock that the new dog would be around Have you ever given up a pet? Have you crated your dog in the past? Have you attended obedience classes before? What is your definition or philosophy of disciplining and training your dog? Please tell us if you have had experience with any of the following behaviors: Experience with counter surfing? Experience with housetraining accidents? Experience with leash pulling? Experience with inappropriate chewing? Experience with barking? Experience with fence jumping? Experience with chasing cats? Experience with separation anxiety (whining, destructiveness or acting out when left alone.) Experience with shyness toward strangers? Experience with aggression toward other dogs? Experience with resource guarding? What are your plans for socialization and exercise of the dog? What 3 characteristics do you find most appealing about a new dog? Choose 3 Other: What characteristics would you find the least appealing in a new dog? Mark all that apply Which characteristics might cause you to want to return an adopted dog. Explain each in detail. Other: Explain: Name of animal you wish to adopt: List your second choice: Please give your choice if unlisted: Would you consider a dog with special needs such as blindness, deafness, physical limitations, etc.? Gender and age preference: Please list any expectations you may have for the dog (ie: service dog? livestock guardian dog? Family pet? Combination of any of those?)* What level of activity would best suit your family? Low/Medium/High? Are you willing to housebreak a dog? Will the animal be kept inside or outside? Where will the animal be kept when you are not home? Where will the animal be kept when you are home? Where will the animal sleep? How much time will the animal spend alone during the day? Have you applied with any other rescue? If yes, please give name(s) of other rescue organization Are you aware that Pyrenees have a tendency to bark and roam if not securely fenced? Do you want to foster or adopt? We do a house check to make sure the property is safe and secure and that the dogs would be well looked after. They are presented to the board to make a final decision based on the application and house check. If approved a contract is sent stating the fees, terms, conditions, etc. Transport is arranged if necessary.

Great Pyrenees Rescue Resources Utah Montana
(801) 835-3395
[email protected]

Look for other dogs for adoption!

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