| Chittenden County, VT
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Meet Carlita
IN VERMONT Meet Carlita! Carlita is 2 years old, male (approx. DOB 9-25-22), a petite 31 lbs., vetted, is or will be spayed, and micro-chipped. Sweet Carlita was found by a good samaritan as an abandoned homeless stray. She was a long term resident at the overcrowded shelter in SC and ran out of time. She does well with other dogs, maybe cats (wants to play but all cat and dog relationships are different), has medium+ energy, is always ready to go on an adventure. loves to run, likes toys, has been around a 5 year old human successfully, and can't wait to find her forever family! Stay tuned for more information as Carlita is a new rescue! If you are interested in adopting Carlita please fill out an Application at (please make sure you have the Vermont site not CT) - thanks! Please note Fosters have 1st option of Adoption. Check out her Facebook page (please "Like" us while you are there)!
Adoption Process
Applicants fill out an application and, once thoroughly checked, referenced, and approved, are invited to meet the dogs they have interest in. All dogs are in foster homes. Once they have met their match, they sign an adoption contract and pay the adoption fee.
Passion 4 Paws
(802) 373-4949
[email protected]