| Hyde Park, VT
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Meet Janey
IN VERMONT Meet Janey! https://youtu.be/esU1ylVVR6k Janey is 15 months old, female (approx. DOB 8-29-23), 41 lbs., vetted, is or will be spayed, and micro-chipped. Someone found Janey as a homeless stray and dropped her off at the shelter in SC. Janey is learning how to be confident and the world of kindness is SO new to her. She is a sweet, shy, introvert that is good with other dogs, likely good with cats, and is going to make an amazing addition to her matched home! A dog doesn't get any sweeter than Janey! Stay tuned for more information as Jane is a new rescue! UPDATE FROM HER VERMONT FOSTER: She has had no potty accidents for 8 days as of today. She knows the following commands s with the accompanying hand gestures sit, stay, down, walk beside me, come, her name, the words “treat”. She has learned the hand gesture to not go ahead of her person going up or down the stairs. She will also come to a whistle or hand clap. She has learned to go lay down when a sguirt bottle of water is picked up and a finger point to the couch or Matt. This weekend if the weather warms a bit I plan to start leash training. She will bring me a toy to throw and will run for said toy when thrown but isn’t consistent with bringing it back. She is highly motivated by food but because boxer pit bull terriers have a tendency towards becoming over weight I use love and scritches more than treats. She doesn’t demolish her toys. Shew chews them gently. Oh, and love to squeak them non stop lol! She is smart, loving, exuberant and will be best with a young adult who understands the breeds and can devote time and attention to exercise her properly and maintain dominance over her natural desire to be dominant through consistent caring, training and boundary setting. If you are interested in adopting Jane please fill out an Application at www.Passion-4-Paws.org (please make sure you have the Vermont site not CT) - thanks! Please note Fosters have 1st option of Adoption. Check out her Facebook page (please "Like" us while you are there)!
Adoption Process
Applicants fill out an application and, once thoroughly checked, referenced, and approved, are invited to meet the dogs they have interest in. All dogs are in foster homes. Once they have met their match, they sign an adoption contract and pay the adoption fee.
Passion 4 Paws
(802) 373-4949
[email protected]