A Bee Ju
Yorkshire Terrier Yorkie | Farmville, VA
Age : 1 Year 6 MonthsYoungFemaleSmallTan
CurrentActivity Level
Highly ActiveEnergy Level
HighGood in Home With
Others Dogs
Adoption Fees
$900.00Meet A Bee Ju
Bee Ju is available for adoption. She is 1.5 years old and weighs 9.5 lbs. Her adoption fee is $900.00. Bee Ju is available for adoption. She is about 1.5 years old and weighs 9 lbs. Her adoption fee is $900. Bee Ju has been with us only a week, so we are still getting to know her. Surprisingly she has settled in well during this short time. Surprising because she came from a shelter where she spent a month both scared and sick, going from 11.9 to 9 lbs. Then she stayed with two other families before she landed with us. Here's what we know so far. Bee Ju is energetic, warm, affectionate and smart. If you take her out often, she is house trained; she gives no signs to tell us to take her out yet, but they may come. She stays close. If she is not sitting on you, she is sitting nearby. She enjoys walks and rides well, if somewhat energetically, in the car. On walks she pulls on the leash and wants to catch squirrels, but she is also suggestable when you ask her to keep walking or change direction. When she meets new dogs while we are on walks, her reaction varies from calm to wary to barking. We are working on this and on the simple commands and have made headway with "sit." Bee Ju is just starting to play with our 8 lb. four-year old yorkie. She also likes to chase and return toys but is startled when toys make noises! Bee Ju needs to gain at least two pounds after her unhappy stay in the shelter, and we are working on that. She will make a devoted and amusing companion. Bee Ju is staying with Tricia, John and Colby in Charlottesville, Va.
Adoption Process
We ask for a $25 processing fee. We require people to have a vet history, dog experience, and time to work with a dog.
Save A Yorkie Rescue, Inc.
(609) 634-8212
[email protected]