Chanel a Maltese-Poodle Senior
Maltese | Fife, WA
Age : 9 Years 10 MonthsSeniorFemaleSmallPoodle (unknown type)
affectionate eagerToPlease eventempered gentle doesWellInCar hypoallergenic intelligent lap leashtrained noLargeDogs noSmallDogs obedient playful playsToys protective specialDiet swims timid
Coat Length
CurrentActivity Level
Moderately ActiveEnergy Level
ModerateHouse Trained
YesGood in Home With
Others Dogs
Adoption Fees
$495.00Meet Chanel a Maltese-Poodle Senior
Chanel is a sweet senior Maltese poodle mix female of 9 years. Chanel is still adjusting to the fact that her family abandoned her when they had a baby. She had been a pampered and adored dog her whole life and when the baby came she became a bit jealous and the people decided she needed to go. Chanel does Ok with another dog in the home, but she has been raised as an only dog so sharing is new to her. She does have resource guarding tendencies due to having been an only fur child and we recommend feeding the dogs in separate spaces. Chanel has had a summer grooming cut 6.27.22. She is also scheduled for a Major dental cleaning and tooth extraction on July 14th and this is covered by the rescue Chanel loves her daily grooming sessions, car rides, and trips to the beach, is fine with small dogs, loves to play, and loves to go everywhere with her humans. She was very pampered. The family had a baby and they said she was jealous of the baby and they relinquished her. We recommend a no-child household. She tends to get attached to one person in the foster home and this may be her need to be close as she works through her abandonment. Chanel would do best in a quieter home where she will still have adventures, go for those loved car rides, walks on the beach, have lots of toys, and be totally doted on for the rest of her life!! Chanel is a sweetie who loves attention, she is scared and has no idea why she lost her family. Love and patience will do wonders for this girl Chanel has been transitioned to a human-grade diet that avoids kibble in place of a healthy canine-specific feeding regimen. We will educate his adopters on proper diet and nutrition for her and her new buddies. Chanel is spayed and up to date on her vaccines. To apply for the adoption of Chanel she has a $525.00 adoption fee. All monies will be recycled to cover medical care and rescue more dogs. Please fill out the online application using this link. Please be thorough in your answers and expound whenever possible so we get to know you and can make the best match. HTTP://
Adoption Process
adoption application, home check, adoption fees ranging from 395-550.00. spay/neuter contract if not already fixed
Rompin Paws Rescue
(206) 551-9241
[email protected]
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