Loved at Last Dog Rescue Society

The success of our organization is rooted in our dedicated group of volunteers both local and abroad. We have partnered with like-minded individuals in countries including but not limited to the Middle East, Bahrain, India, Turkey, Mexico and Vietnam to help change the lives of some of the world’s most in-need animals. As we do not have a physical location, we depend on the support of the local community in the form of foster homes and potential adopters.According to the World Health Organization, there are more than 200 million stray dogs worldwide (as of 2017). The lives of these street dogs is particularly short and difficult in countries with limited resources dedicated to animal welfare. This is where we come in. Our partners abroad work tirelessly to take in stray dogs who are most in need of medical care. They (and you) are their best chance for survival. Generally, the process begins with the dogs being rescued off of the streets, restored to health and rehabilitated by these compassionate individuals.Loved at Last Dog Rescue is a society of dog loving volunteers who are committed to assisting in the rehoming of local dogs and rescuing dogs (often disabled) from high kill countries around the world. LALDR does not profit from any adoption fees. All donations to Loved at Last Dog Rescue are used to cover the cost of veterinary care, special equipment such as prosthetics and wheelchairs and to assist in the transportation of the dogs. The specific objectives and purpose of this organization shall be: a) To assist owners who are no longer able to care for their dog in re-homing the dog. b) To educate people about the importance of adopting, not buying, a dog. To educate people about street dogs and abused dogs and to provide a network of support to dog owners. c) To save dogs in need and at risk whenever possible, especially in situations where there is a potential for unnecessary euthanasia. d) To educate people about spaying and neutering, as well as the identification and registration, of domestic pets. We have a passion for preserving life and for protecting those who can't speak for themselves. To champion for those who are victimized by cruelty.

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SAPPHIRE - local, PG Isl (Courtesy Post)

German Shepherd Dog | Friday Harbor, WA





Good in Home With

Others Dogs

Meet SAPPHIRE - local, PG Isl (Courtesy Post)

THIS IS NOT A LOVED AT LAST DOG. PLEASE CONTACT THE PERSON BELOW.For more info or to adopt, please contact:Kelsey - [email protected] or 250-640-9829I can be brought to Vancouver at the end of the month, if I have an adopter.Sapphire is an approx 1.5 year old spayed GSD or GSD + a bit of border collie. She is bold, fun and full of energy. Here is her profile information:Sapphire has spent another few weeks in shelter and we can't wait to get her out of here and into a foster or adoptive home.The GOOD:Sapphire's manners have improved 10 fold since arriving with daily one-on-one attention and training. She takes treats politely and tries really hard not to jump on people. She's even getting the hang of loose leash walking.Sapphy absolutely LOVES to sniff and explore the world with her nose, she would spend hours investigating every leaf and snowbank. She also goes crazy for a ball and will chase it as long as your arm can handle throwing it. She thinks catching treats is a great game. This girl is responding super well to positive reinforcement and will be incredibly trainable in the right hands. She would really thrive doing nosework, rally-obedience, advanced trick training or almost any other sport that would give her a direction to point her enthusiasm in.Sapphire doesn't seem to be interested in cats at all and will likely be fine in a household with confident kitties. She is a very nice girl, so she'd probably be pretty tolerant of kids over 5, as well.The BAD:Sapphire doesn't have great impulse control, but she is working really hard on it. She has clearly spent most of her life tied up outside without having the opportunity to learn good social skills from a well adjusted adult dog. She gets very frustrated when behind a fence or on leash with other dogs around. She has no concept of how rude she is and thinks it's ok to make friends by running up to another dog while barking and slapping them in the face. Unsurprisingly, most other dogs don't appreciate this. She will need to practice meeting dogs in a more polite fashion and will only be suited to spend time with dogs who already have good social skills. She doesn't take hints from other dogs, but she is receptive to strong, polite communication telling her to settle down. She's not trying to be a jerk, she's just never been taught anything better. She has had successful playdates with other young, energetic and sociable dogs.Sapphire has gone on off leash adventures and stays close, but when it's time to get back on leash she doesn't want the fun to end. She's a slippery little pup who will snatch the treat out of your hand and run for the hills before you can catch her. This is a product of poor training on her humans part and should be easy to correct as she bonds with her new human and is reinforced positively for coming back when called.The UGLY: Just kidding, there is no ugly! She's just a bundle of fun who has been let down by humans and has sooo much potential to be a wonderful pet, companion, training partner or adventure buddy. She just needs someone to give her a bit of consistency and patience so she can learn what it means to be the best dog.

Adoption Process
-adoption application, phone interview, home visit, meet the dog. Adoption fees range from $400 to $600 depending on the dog's age. Contract required. Spay/neuter if animal currently too young & return policy to us if animal can no longer be kept, unless other contract arrangements previously made.

Loved at Last Dog Rescue Society
[email protected]

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