Cedric an Chihuahua-Terrier mix
Chihuahua | Port Townsend, WA
Age : 4 Years 2 MonthsAdultMaleSmallTerrier
affectionate eagerToPlease eventempered fetches gentle doesWellInCar goofy intelligent lap leashtrained needsCompanionAnimal noCold obedient olderKidsOnly playful playsToys
Coat Length
CurrentActivity Level
Moderately ActiveEnergy Level
ModerateGood in Home With
Others DogsCatsChildren
Adoption Fees
$550.00Meet Cedric an Chihuahua-Terrier mix
Cedric Male 12lbs 4-years-old Appears to be a Chi-terrier-Italian Greyhound Mix Cedric is a very sweet Dog-friendly pup who will tolerate a cat friend as long as they don’t scratch or bite him. He doesn’t like mean kitties-they scare him. SUPER kid friendly Potty trained Kennel trained Leash trained His original human abandoned him with a well-meaning woman about 6 months ago. She was unable to keep him or meet his needs any longer. He is very well-mannered and affectionate. Doesn’t know a stranger and is very social. Cedric loves going for long strolls, car rides, and meeting new people. He will need some time to adjust to his new home and people but once he settles in he is up for adventures and having fun. If you have a small friendly dog in need of a Buddy, Cedric would love to have a BFF dog pal. How To Adopt Cedric Cedric has been transitioned to a human-grade diet that avoids kibble in place of a healthy canine-specific feeding regimen. We will educate his adopters on proper diet and nutrition for him and his new buddies. To apply to adopt Cedric, he has a $550.00 adoption fee. All monies will be recycled to cover medical care and rescue more dogs. Please fill out the online application using this link. Please be thorough in your answers and expound whenever possible so we get to know you and can make the best match. https: //rompinpawsrescue.rescuegroups.org/forms/
Adoption Process
adoption application, home check, adoption fees ranging from 395-550.00. spay/neuter contract if not already fixed
Rompin Paws Rescue
(206) 551-9241
[email protected]
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