Boxer | Braxton County, WV
Age : 3 Years 7 MonthsAdultFemaleMediumTan
Coat Length
ShortHouse Trained
YesGood in Home With
Others DogsChildren
Adoption Fees
$100.00Meet Rosie
Rosie was brought in on 7/18/2023. She is a sweet little Boxer mix that is around 3 years old. Rosie's momma had died a few years ago and the rest of the family recently moved out and left her behind in the home. They didn't care about her. A family friend would come by and feed her every other day. Rosie stayed in her home alone since May before coming to our shelter. She is a little nervous at first but who could blame her, but she warms up quickly. Rosie is so playful and full of energy. She is house trained, spayed and up to date on vaccines. It's been a while since she was around another dog, so it takes her some time to warm up to them. She seems too interested in cats and will most likely chase them so would be safest without cats. Adoption fee is $100.00
Adoption Process
The first step in our adoption process is to fill out an application. Please allow up to 24-48 hours for applications to be reviewed. Once approved, you can come get your new baby. Unaltered cats are $10 with a signed contract agreeing to get the cat spayed/neutered as soon as old enough or within 30 days. Already altered cats are $30. The adoption fee for a dog starts at $125 and increases depending on the dog.
Ritchie County Humane Society Inc
(304) 643-4721
[email protected]