Labrador Retriever | Inwood, WV
Age : 2 Months 26 DaysBabyFemaleJack Russell Terrier
House Trained
YesGood in Home With
Others Dogs
Meet Billiejean
This is Billijean. Billijean is a labrador retriever/corgi/Benji mix. She weighs approximately 15 pounds, she is up-to-date with all the shots she is allowed to have at her age, and she is micro chipped. Billijean is very playful and very smart. She loves human attention and being held & loved, just like her twin sister, Angel. Billijean has very unique markings which makes her a very beautiful puppy. Billiejean loves to play with her siblings, other dogs and her toys. She has a favorite toy and if she’s not playing with her siblings, she is somewhere chewing on her toy. Billiejean is crate trained, she doesn’t cry at night anymore and she is very social. She is also making good strides with her house training. Billiejean will be great with children and cats, as well. Puppies are pretty much curious about everybody around them. If you are interested in meeting Billiejean, please fill out the application on Fancy Cats website and we will contact you for a meet and greet. Billiejean cant wait to meet you! Adoption fee: $525, includes 1st DHPP, deworming, flea preventative, microchip
Adoption Process
Our adopters fill out an application that screens for problems that may be detrimental to our cats and kittens. Once the adopter is approved we provide veterinary referrals which help with low cost spays or neuters for the kittens that are too young at the time of adoption. We are always available to help with behavioral issues that arise. We provide numerous information sheets in our adoption folders, plus the medical background of each cat. The only fees involved with our program are adoption fees that offset our veterinary bills.
Fancy Cats Rescue Team
(703) 961-1056
[email protected]