
Jackson County Animal Shelter

JCAS is governed by the county commission of Jackson County and is a small rural shelter with 13 dog runs and 2 small cat rooms. Consequently, dogs are strays or seized dogs only. Dogs and Cats are kept until rescued or adopted.

Cottageville, WV,25239
Get directions


Website: http://none


Labrador Retriever | Pinch, WV

Age : 4 Years 2 MonthsAdultMaleLargeYellow



affectionate leashtrained playful playsToys

Coat Length


Activity Level

Moderately Active

Energy Level


Good in Home With


Meet Meadows

Looking for an energetic best friend to go hiking or jogging? Meadows is up for the task! He is full of energy, kisses, and love! He is ready to be your new best friend and he has waited over a year for his forever home! The shelter is no place for such an energetic dog. You can meet Meadows at our shelter!!!

Adoption Process
Application is reviewed and references checked, adoption contract, fees range from $22 for cats to $32 for dogs with spay/neuter included and required.

Jackson County Animal Shelter

Look for other dogs for adoption!

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