German Shepherd Dog | Roane County, WV
Age : 2 Years 10 MonthsAdultFemaleLargeHusky
affectionate fetches goofy playful
Coat Length
MediumActivity Level
Moderately ActiveEnergy Level
ModerateHouse Trained
YesGood in Home With
Others DogsCatsChildren
Adoption Fees
$100.00Meet Crystal
Crystal is a white shepherd husky mix and is around two years old. Crystal was taken from a home because she was almost starved and tied to a box with a three-foot chain. She is very loving but will need a home with a yard so that she can run and stay active as she has a lot of energy. She was only 48 pounds when we brought her to the shelter and now, she is 52 pounds but still has some weight to gain. Crystal was brought back after being adopted. They said she showed jealousy towards their other dog. She does well playing with other dogs and enjoys their company. Would be best in a home with no other dogs or one other dog that doesn't care to share the humans. She is now 70 pounds and fully house trained. Adoption fee is $100.00
Adoption Process
The first step in our adoption process is to fill out an application. Please allow up to 24-48 hours for applications to be reviewed. Once approved, you can come get your new baby. Unaltered cats are $10 with a signed contract agreeing to get the cat spayed/neutered as soon as old enough or within 30 days. Already altered cats are $30. The adoption fee for a dog starts at $125 and increases depending on the dog.
Ritchie County Humane Society Inc
(304) 643-4721
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