Down’s syndrome in dogs does not resemble the same genetic disorder in people. First of all, people are equipped with 23 pairs of chromosomes while their canine counterparts have a total of 39.
People with Down syndrome have an additional chromosome 21. While there are genetic abnormalities that dogs can suffer from, there is none characterized by the presence of a copy of chromosome 21 in their genetic material.
However, most dogs that do have a chromosomal abnormality, whether pertaining to chromosome 21 or not, have a low chance of surviving. A genetic disorder in animals usually makes it difficult for them to feed and drink properly or defend themselves in case of danger.
Some vets claim that Down syndrome in dogs does exist, especially since they’ve seen very similar physical features in some pets, such as a short neck, small head, hearing loss, or poor eyesight.
The truth is that there haven’t been enough studies performed on this disease in our canine friends and the similarities that the disorder has in dogs and humans.
If Down syndrome in dogs does exist, it is not caused by something in particular, such as a pathogen or a disease that can be transmitted from one dog to the other. It is merely a genetic disorder that makes puppies have an extra copy of chromosome sets.
For this reason, there is no way of knowing whether a puppy is going to get Down syndrome or not, not even if you take the mother to the animal hospital for ultrasounds and a variety of tests during pregnancy.
There are several diseases like Down syndrome in that they cause the same symptoms. Moreover, many are congenital, meaning that dogs are born with these health issues.
Here are several examples:
Even though there is no scientific evidence to support the claim that a dog can be born with Down syndrome, since there are some genetic conditions that mimic it, they will cause the same symptoms. For example, pituitary dwarfism is characterized by the following symptoms:
Dogs with hypothyroidism show the following clinical signs:
Although it’s hardly comparable to Down syndrome in humans, portosystemic shunt in dogs does have some similarities:
Although there are no dogs with Down syndrome documented to date, dogs can be born with a similar condition that has some of the most severe manifestations — Congenital hydrocephalus. This disorder is neurological, and it is caused by a lack of proper drainage of the cerebrospinal fluid, which leads to too much pressure being put on the dog’s central nervous system.
Unlike some of the other physical and neurological conditions that we’ve mentioned previously, hydrocephalus can also be acquired. Dogs can develop it due to infections, especially viral and fungal ones, and it can also be caused by tumors of the nervous system. In dogs suffering from this condition, pet owners can notice the following symptoms:
Most genetic conditions cause neurologic and appearance abnormalities, and in dogs that have a genetic material issue, it’s not uncommon to see facial features similar to those in people with Down syndrome.
In order to give the right care to a dog that has a syndrome like Down’s, pet owners have to first find out what their canine friend is exactly suffering from and only then decide on the right course of therapy and care.
Genetic testing is possible. Based on the symptoms they see in the dogs they examine, vets can recommend specific tests. However, confirming that your dog has a specific chromosomal abnormality can be quite difficult. Usually, the test results are correlated with the symptoms that the veterinarian can observe during a check-up.
Most dogs whose number of chromosomes is abnormal are going to need life-lasting care. Every pet owner should know that adopting a dog with congenital heart disease, dwarfism, or hydrocephalus involves a lot of work, effort, and money.
Besides the primary disease, a dog with a genetic problem is likely to develop other health issues. The syndrome may affect their life to the point that the dog doesn’t realize what they are doing, so they could bump into things around the house and get themselves hurt by accident.
Ensuring your dog’s overall well-being involves considering top-quality supplements tailored to their specific needs. Explore a variety of supplements crafted to support your canine companion’s health, including multivitamins for essential nutrients, joint supplements for mobility, and omega-3 fatty acids for a shiny coat.
Humans with special needs have people that care for them, but they also live in a secure space. The quality of life of a dog that has a so-called Down syndrome can be improved only by first securing their living environment. Remove all of the obstacles or barriers that the dog may run into and that could cause them harm.
Let your dog move around the house comfortably and as they desire, but make sure to always keep an eye on them just in case they get in trouble.
While most healthy adult dogs have to be seen by a veterinarian once a year, that is not the same for dogs that have disorders comparable to Down syndrome in humans.
Ideally, they should be seen by a vet once every two to three months. That might seem like a lot, but there’s no way of knowing, especially as the puppy becomes an adult, what changes are going to happen in their brain.
The life expectancy of dogs that have full or partial neurologic or hormonal conditions is low as they tend to live about half the time healthy dogs typically do.
By taking their dog to the vet on a regular basis, pet parents can effectively increase their life span. All medical problems are easier to treat when they are discovered early — that can be the key to maintaining a pup’s quality of life.
Dogs suffering from a syndrome like Down’s can go through significant changes from one day to the next. Sometimes, they can eat too much or drink too much water. But on the next day, it might be the other way around and the dog might not want to eat or drink anything.
A dog with special needs has to have fresh and quality pet food readily available and delicious treats all the time.
Some of these animals can often be in pain, so the dog’s sleeping situation has to be as comfortable as possible. Get plenty of pillows and choose the softest and most comfortable pet bed you can afford if your canine friend has Down-like syndrome.
Since the physical features of dogs experiencing symptoms of Down syndrome make them different from other animals, you might want to assist them as best as possible. For example, a dog ramp might be necessary for short-legged pets that can’t climb on the couch to be with their owners by jumping.
Besides the physical inabilities, they might have, dogs with Down-like syndrome can be quite difficult to train. In fact, training is rarely successful in their case, which means that their human friends have to be particularly patient.
Diapers, pee liners, and a variety of accessories that can protect the floors in a house are going to be necessary when caring for a pet that has symptoms of Down syndrome. Everything that can make cleanup easier is a great idea.
Do not try to force your dog to learn tricks or use the potty if it doesn’t work. Dogs suffering from genetic disorders are more likely to develop anxiousness.
Special needs dogs and humans can live happily together, but you do have to consider that since their brain development isn’t the same as that of regular dogs, they can sometimes get aggressive.
For this reason, you should ask your vet whether there are any natural products that you can use to soothe and calm your pup. There are many calming chews and diffusers available these days and some actually work quite well.
Just to be on the safe side of things, if you have a dog with a history of aggression and there are little children living in your household, try to keep an eye on the dog’s activity as much as possible. Teach your kids to play responsibly with their canine friends.
Any genetic syndrome in dogs can make exercise a bit difficult, but that doesn’t mean that you should avoid it altogether. Animals that have symptoms similar to Down syndrome can experience lameness in their limbs and have issues with their muscles and joints.
They can also have poor cardiac health. So, while dog owners shouldn’t overdo it, light exercise is still necessary to keep a dog’s body healthy. Walk your dog as often as possible and give them a massage several times a day. Take it easy and one step at a time. The right toy can make a huge difference in keeping a dog with special needs happy and get them to blow off some steam, too.
Even though there is no current evidence according to which dogs can get Down syndrome as some people do, they can be born with genetic conditions that have clinical signs similar to Down syndrome. Here are some examples of health issues that such dogs can experience:
Only a very small number of dogs get to grow and show these symptoms as most of those that have an abnormal number of chromosomes die when they are born or right after.
No. Dogs that have genetic conditions should not be used for breeding, but not only because their health problem can be transmitted genetically to the offspring.
The truth is that a female dog that has a genetic issue with clinical signs similar to those of Down syndrome in humans has a much higher likelihood of dying early because of the pregnancy.
If the dog does have a chromosomal abnormality, it’s quite likely that it will be infertile, which automatically eliminates any issue in this sense.
But if the dog has a serious health condition that’s causing the symptoms, such as congenital hydrocephalus or dwarfism, a pregnancy can represent a real risk to their health and life – not to mention that they could easily lose it during a seizure.
Most of us train our dogs when they are puppies to jump up on furniture. We think it’s harmless (and easier than always lifting them), but for dogs, couches and beds are very high compared to the size of their bodies.
Every time they jump it compresses their back and applies enormous force to their joints.
It’s no wonder that an incredible 80% of dogs experience arthritis or joint pain by only 7 years old.
Luckily, there is a vet-recommended solution.
It’s the PawRamp by Alpha Paw. An adjustable ramp that allows dogs to safely get on and off couches and beds. PawRamp makes joining you in bed or on the couch effortless and fun.
As a bonus, you can use code SAVE35 to get $35 off the PawRamp today.
The medical, nutritional, or behavioral advice we provide is intended for informational and educational purposes only. Our editorial content is not a substitute for formal or personalized medical advice from a veterinary professional. Only board-certified veterinary specialists who have examined your pet should diagnose medical conditions, provide personalized treatment, or prescribe appropriate medication. For questions regarding your pet’s health, or if your pet is exhibiting signs of illness, injury, or distress, contact your veterinarian immediately. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on our site.