100+ Happy Birthday Dog Memes

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100+ happy birthday dog memes

Happy Birthday Dog Memes


Ermahgerd Happy Birthday!



Happy birthday dog meme - birthday whose birthday it's my birthday yaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyy


Whose Birthday?

It’s my birthday?




Happy birthday dog meme - ermahgerd herpy berfder!!!!

Ermahgerd Herpy Berfder!!!!



Happy birthday dog meme - happy arfday! We're here for your party

Happy Arfday! We’re here for your party



Happy birthday dog meme - happy bee-day sista!

Happy Bee-Day Sista!



Happy birthday dog meme - happy birthday cupcake is happy happy birthday!!!

Happy Birthday Cupcake is happy!!! happy Birthday!!!



Happy birthday dog meme - happy birthday doi! Can i have some cake too

Happy Birthday Doi! Can I have some cake too?



Happy birthday dog meme - happy birthday eat cake

Happy Birthday! Eat cake



Happy birthday dog meme - happy birthday here's something to wear that makes it impossible to lick yourself

Happy Birthday Here’s something to wear that makes it impossible to lick yourself



Happy birthday dog meme - happy birthday i got you a pupsicle

Happy Birthday I got you a pupsicle



Happy birthday dog meme - happy birthday must you have

Happy Birthday must you have



Happy birthday dog meme - happy birthday please, save me some cake

Happy Birthday Please, save me some cake



Happy Birthday Funny Dog


Happy birthday dog meme - happy birthday the roof is on fire

Happy Birthday the roof is on fire



Happy birthday dog meme - happy birthday you're how old

Happy Birthday You’re how old?



Happy birthday dog meme - happy birthday, human! Do i smell bacon

Happy Birthday, human! Do I smell bacon?



Happy birthday dog meme - hbd try to contain your excitement

HBD try to contain your excitement



Happy birthday dog meme - hello yeah this is dog, i wanted to wish you a happy birthday

Hello yeah this is dog, I wanted to wish you a happy birthday!



Happy birthday dog meme - hey it's my birthday let's drink

Hey it’s my birthday let’s drink




Funny Happy Birthday Dog Memes

Happy birthday dog meme - i just wanted to eat but you lit my food on fire

I just wanted to eat but you lit my food on fire



Happy birthday dog meme - i made a cake for your birthday but i eaten it.... Lol

I made a cake for your birthday but I eaten it….Lol




Happy birthday dog meme - i wiph you a phery happy birphday

I wiph you a phery happy birphday



Happy birthday dog meme - if we're late, keep us some cake. Happy birthday

If we’re late, keep us some cake. Happy Birthday



Happy birthday dog meme - it's your birthday you lucky dog you make sure you bring me some cake!!

It’s your birthday you lucky dog you make sure you bring me some cake!!



Happy birthday dog meme - oh lord jesus it's a fire

Oh Lord Jesus it’s a fire



Happy Birthday Funny Meme Dog

Happy birthday dog meme - oh yeah, itz mai birfday, u-huh, shake a booty!

Oh yeah, itz mai birfday, u-huh, shake a booty!



Happy birthday dog meme - roses are grey violets are grey have a happy birthday

Roses are grey violets are grey have a Happy Birthday



Happy birthday dog meme - smile it's your birthday!

Smile It’s your birthday!



Happy birthday dog meme - sorry i overslept happy birthday!

Sorry I overslept Happy Birthday!


Happy Birthday Meme Dog

Happy birthday dog meme - surprise! I haven't forgotten your b-day! Happy bee-lated birthday!

Surprise! I haven’t forgotten your b-day! Happy Bee-lated Birthday!



Happy birthday dog meme - this is my happy birthday face for ma friend

This is my happy birthday face for ma friend


Happy birthday dog meme - this is the first time they celebrated my birthday in 7 years

This is the first time they celebrated my birthday in 7 years

Dog Happy Birthday


Happy birthday dog meme - this wish is late so that you can celebrate longer happy birthday!

This wish is late so that you can celebrate longer Happy Birthday!



Happy birthday dog meme - we haveno idea what happy birthday means but we love it!

We haveno idea what happy birthday means but we love it!


Awesome Happy Birthday Dog Memes

Happy birthday dog meme - what does a clam do on his birthday he shell-a-brates!

What does a clam do on his birthday he shell-a-brates!



Happy birthday dog meme - when your friend asks if you are gonna get them a birthday present i am the gift

When your friend asks if you are gonna get them a birthday present I am the gift


Funny Dog Happy Birthday Memes

Happy birthday dog meme - when you're supposed to be happy but all you can think about is global warming and the presidential election

When you’re supposed to be happy but all you can think about is global warming and the presidential election


Happy birthday dog meme - where's your birthday cake mom

Where’s your birthday cake mom?



Happy birthday dog meme - who's a birthday girl you're a birthday girl

Who’s a birthday girl? you’re a birthday girl



Happy birthday dog meme - why are birthdays good for you people who have the most live longest!

Why are Birthdays good for you? People who have the most live longest!



Happy birthday dog meme - why did you get me all grey and black ballons!

Why did you get me all grey and black ballons?!



Happy birthday dog meme - why wait till the candles go out... Happy birthday!

Why wait till the candles go out…? Happy Birthday!



Happy birthday dog meme - you really gonna scroll by without saying happy birthday

You really gonna scroll by without saying happy birthday?

80% of Dogs Develop Arthritis or Joint Pain by 7 Years old – Here’s How to Protect Them

Most of us train our dogs when they are puppies to jump up on furniture.  We think it’s harmless (and easier than always lifting them), but for dogs, couches and beds are very high compared to the size of their bodies.

Every time they jump it compresses their back and applies enormous force to their joints.

It’s no wonder that an incredible 80% of dogs experience arthritis or joint pain by only 7 years old.

Luckily, there is a vet-recommended solution.

It’s the PawRamp by Alpha Paw. An adjustable ramp that allows dogs to safely get on and off couches and beds. PawRamp makes joining you in bed or on the couch effortless and fun.

As a bonus, you can use code SAVE35 to get $35 off the PawRamp today.

Get the #1 Vet Recommended PawRamp here