These 10 Dogs Are Competing For Hide & Seek Champion

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Have you ever walked in the room and wondered where the dog was? Either they’re hiding behind something, under it, or they just blend in so well you can’t see them. That is until you sit down and realize they were snuggled under the blanket on the couch.

With these dogs however, blanket it or no blanket, good luck finding them. There’s no amount of Where’s Waldo training that could prepare you for this.

10. Rug Twins!

These 10 dogs are competing for hide & seek champion


This really makes me wonder if they got the carpet before they go the dog, or after. Even the lines are almost the same size!

9. Who is Driving The Car?

These 10 dogs are competing for hide & seek champion


Now that’s camouflage. Imagine this dog driving down the street. Wouldn’t you do a double take?

8. See The Carpet. Be The Carpet

These 10 dogs are competing for hide & seek champion


Good thing this pup isn’t on the hunt. He would be able sneak up on you without you noticing a thing

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7. This Bed Bug

These 10 dogs are competing for hide & seek champion


If it wasn’t for that cute little snout and the collar, this rested pup would be invisible

6. There’s More Than The Cat

These 10 dogs are competing for hide & seek champion


Oh hey, it’s a cute little cat. Let me just … what was that!

5. Bundle of Joy

These 10 dogs are competing for hide & seek champion


If this dog isn’t as snug as a bug in a rug, then I don’t know what is.

4. All The Fur!

These 10 dogs are competing for hide & seek champion


I’m still not convinced there’s a dog in here. That’s not an eyeball, it has to be a marble or something

3. A Sea of White

These 10 dogs are competing for hide & seek champion


I’m willing that this dog parent has had at least a few close calls stepping on their dog

2. Coffee And Cream Anyone?

These 10 dogs are competing for hide & seek champion


(Insert something clever and witty about creamer)

1.  There’s Nothing.. Just Nothing

These 10 dogs are competing for hide & seek champion


If you were judging a hide & seek contest, who would you say won? (Let us know in the comments below). If I were a judge, this wins hands down.

80% of Dogs Develop Arthritis or Joint Pain by 7 Years old – Here’s How to Protect Them

Most of us train our dogs when they are puppies to jump up on furniture.  We think it’s harmless (and easier than always lifting them), but for dogs, couches and beds are very high compared to the size of their bodies.

Every time they jump it compresses their back and applies enormous force to their joints.

It’s no wonder that an incredible 80% of dogs experience arthritis or joint pain by only 7 years old.

Luckily, there is a vet-recommended solution.

It’s the PawRamp by Alpha Paw. An adjustable ramp that allows dogs to safely get on and off couches and beds. PawRamp makes joining you in bed or on the couch effortless and fun.

As a bonus, you can use code SAVE35 to get $35 off the PawRamp today.

Get the #1 Vet Recommended PawRamp here