Easy Thanksgiving Recipe for your Cat!

Easy thanksgiving recipe for your cat

This time of year, we are thankful for our health, family, friends, but especially our cats!

Hey, it’s Thanksgiving Day! It’s the time of the year where family comes together and celebrates the good things in life. Whether you have two or four legs, you are cordially invited to this lovely dinner.

So, now that you have already planned out what to bring or prepare for Thanksgiving, you shouldn’t forget about your four-legged friend. Who is that? Of course, your cat!

But before you give your cat that delicious and savory turkey, be aware that not all human foods are good for your feline. In fact, statistics show that veterinary treatment for upset stomach increases during and after Thanksgiving weekend.

If you want your cat to have a truly happy and memorable Thanksgiving dinner, you should prepare food that is specially made for her. Thus, in this post, let us share with you some of the best DIY Thanksgiving meal for your adorable cat.

Easy thanksgiving recipe for your cat

Roasted Turkey Medallions


  • ½ cup chopped carrots
  • ½ cup ground quinoa or oatmeal
  • 6 ounce cooked white meat turkey

To start off, slice a few slivers of turkey fresh from the oven. Next, set your oven to 400 degrees Fahrenheit.

Get your blender, mix carrots and turkey into it. Blend until they become smooth. Next, take the ground oatmeal and quinoa and add it to the already blended carrots and turkey. Blend again until they are thoroughly mixed.

You can then roll the mixture into 1-inch balls. It can be bigger or smaller than that depending on your cat’s size. Place them on a non-stick cooking sheet and bake. Wait for 15 minutes and you should have about 30 servings of roasted turkey medallions.

Easy thanksgiving recipe for your cat

Tuna Crunchers


  • 2 tablespoons catnip
  • 2 cups of whole wheat flour
  • 1 slightly beaten egg
  • 10 ounces of tuna in slightly over 1 cup of water (if you are wondering about our last blog post warning about feeding your kitties tuna, as long as it is a small amount and not given to your cat every day, it will be alright. If you have any concern, check in with your vet!)

Get your oven ready and preheat it to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. Mix all ingredients starting with the tuna. It serves as a base so your other ingredients will stick together. You can then add each ingredient one by one. With the tuna acting as a base, your mixture will turn into a dough.

You can then knead the dough and form it into a ball. Spread flour on a flat surface where you can roll the dough until it is about ¼ inch thick. Cut the though in serving sizes. Place the dough on an ungreased cookie sheet. Bake up 13 minutes and let it cool. Once you have the dough ready, break it into bite-sized pieces.

Easy thanksgiving recipe for your cat

Pumpkin Smoothies


  • ½ cup plain non-fat yogurt (check the nutritional label to make sure it doesn’t contain xylitol. For any concern, check in with your vet!)
  • ½ cup canned pumpkin puree

No one says that you and your guests should be the only ones who should enjoy some drinks. While you guys sip cocktails or wine, you can give your cat mouth-watering pumpkin smoothies.

All you need is to mix the pumpkin puree and yogurt in a blender. Blend the mixture until it gets smooth. You can then pour the mixture into paper or plastic cups. You have the option to serve it right away or freeze it overnight for extended Thanksgiving meals.

Easy thanksgiving recipe for your cat

Have a great Thanksgiving Day!

Thanksgiving Day is a special occasion where you can focus on the blessings in your life. Though life can be filled with problems, it becomes more bearable with your family and your furry friend(s). With the DIY Thanksgiving meal I have shared, I hope you, your family, and cat will have a wonderful celebration of Thanksgiving Day!