Domestic Short Hair | Essex Fells, NJ
Age : 2 YearsMaleOrange and White
Coat Length
ShortFrom Linda Lobdell. Peppy -- pale orange tabby male -- didn’t get an age estimate at my vet -- I can ask whether they made internal notes about that., but I’m thinking no more than 2 years old? A Newark neighbor posted on Nextdoor app that he had been on his porch for several days, injured and friendly. He dove into my carrier when I arrived with sardines. He was emaciated and had a deep abscess on his rump. Now all healed and gaining weight at a nice pace. Still frenzied for food (that’s why it’s hard to get a current photo of him -- this is a frame from a video first day), and absolutely sweet. Puffy tail. AGE??? See Surrender Form under Files.
Angel Pets Animal Welfare Society, Inc
(732) 340-1199
[email protected]