Rottweiler | Salem, UT
Age : 1 Month 23 DaysBabyFemaleMediumAustralian Cattle Dog/Blue Heeler
affectionate eagerToPlease goofy intelligent playful playsToys
Coat Length
MediumActivity Level
Moderately ActiveHouse Trained
YesGood in Home With
Others DogsCats
Adoption Fees
300Grace ...........the princess is a little more shy and reserved than the others! It is a big family and she does not feel like she should compete for the spotlight. She is just fine to wait her turn and enjoy the attention once it comes her way. Sweet little Gracie is such a beauty and has really unique markings from both her mama and her mystery dad Grace would like to have home with some kind soft people that let her blossom in her own time. She would not mind another dog if it is nice to her and doesnt beat her up like her BROTHERS ;)
Adoption Process
application, home check, must have fence, fees range from 100-300
Mountain Mama Pyrs and Pups
(801) 433-7740
[email protected]